




Leading an organization, engaging stakeholders, raising funds, and managing staff can be challenging. The 阿克塞尔森非营利管理中心 invites you to participate in three eye-opening days of professional growth led by accomplished  experts. BootCamp is an exclusive opportunity for you to enhance your skills, 与同事建立联系, develop your “personal board of directors” and create a 90-day action plan to implement and effect positive change.

Executive directors and CEOs with three years or less experience in their roles are invited to apply.

Hear from expert speakers on a range of topics including:

  • 筹款
  • 董事会治理
  • 战略规划
  • 人力资源管理

Connect with other nonprofit executive directors from across a variety of subsectors for support and collaborative solutions to the challenges you wrestle with in your leadership role.

申请现已接受. 截止日期是7月8日下午5点.m.

In order to be considered for this program, an applicant must:

  • Serve as the CEO/Executive Director (the highest position in the organization) or begin serving in this role by the first day of BootCamp (August 2, 2023).
  • Have been in the CEO/Executive Director position for three years or less
  • Be willing to participate in three full-day sessions

If you have a question about your eligibility, please 亚游集团官方网站 递交申请前.

  • 训练营的费用是 $995.
  • 包括课程材料.
  • Applicants from organizations with an annual budget under $1 million are eligible for a $200 scholarship. (Note: this scholarship will automatically be applied to the fee if accepted into the program.)
  • 申请人须缴付一笔费用 50美元存款 提交申请时. If accepted, this deposit is subtracted from the overall program cost.
  • Participants will be invoiced for the remaining balance prior to the start of BootCamp.
  • 2023年8月1日前全额付款.

我们使用在线申请. Applicants are not able to save work and return later to complete this form. 请 make sure you have the items in the checklist below ready before beginning the application process. 至少需要30分钟才能完成. 申请截止时间是下午5点.m. 2023年7月8日. 完成申请后, please follow the Paypal link provided to pay the required 50美元存款. 如果您想用支票付款,请 亚游集团官方网站.

  1. 简短回答
    • What are your organization’s mission, vision, and values statements?
    • 你为什么想参加训练营? 你的学习目标是什么?
    • At present, what is your most significant leadership challenge(s)?
  2. Current, detailed resume outlining your work and educational background
  3. One brief letter of reference in support of your application (e.g. 来自董事会成员)*

*An applicant’s letter of support can be submitted directly to us 通过电子邮件.

BootCamp will take place on the North Park University campus, 3225 W. 伊利诺伊州芝加哥市福斯特大道60625号.

What Past Participants Tell Us 关于 BootCamp

  • “Because of BootCamp, I feel empowered and focused in my executive director role.”
  • “I learned how to effectively wield the influence of my leadership for the benefit of the organization.”
  • “Great, easy to implement suggestions for leading and thinking strategically. 非常迷人的.”
  • “Excellent practical information, knowledgeable speakers.”
  • “Outstanding resource for future use—essential content.”
  • “What sets BootCamp apart is the time and opportunity to process and reflect, 然后带着计划离开. 无价之宝,令人惊叹!”

If you are not selected to participate in BootCamp, you will receive a refund of your application deposit by check. Any accepted applicant choosing to cancel their registration or withdraw from BootCamp will receive a refund of their program fee minus a $25 administrative fee. Notice of cancellation must be received by the Axelson Center three weeks before the first day of BootCamp in order to be eligible for a refund. 在此日期之后不能退款.


请 亚游集团官方网站.

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